[Typo3] Strange numbering of manual OO-document

Joscha Feth joscha at feth.com
Wed Jun 22 14:48:17 CEST 2005

Rainer (Rene) Suthoelder wrote:

Hi Rainer,

> seems you have inserted heading 1 somewhere... try to use the OO page
> navigator view (F5) and figure out where you have inserted this.
Could not find Heading 1 - but I changed all headings again...

> then, regenrate the TOC, upload again and see what happens.
I did, but nothing happens...is the documentation on the webpage
generated on-thy-fly and cached, or is it a cronjob maybe which needs
some hours to regenerate the HTML from the SXW?

If you would like I could send the sxw to you to double-check if I have
missed something...Thanks for your help anyways!


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