[Typo3] Static Content, Deployment, Seperation between FE and BE

Olivier Dobberkau olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de
Wed Jun 22 10:11:29 CEST 2005

wholzhammer wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm quite new to typo3 but already got a litte cm-experience.-
> In ecms-systems often the backend (administration, maintenance) is
> sperated from the frontend (lifesystem, webpage) to avoid single
> point of failure or demand, etc. - backend and frontend are connected
> by a deployment mechanism...
> So is there any possibility to seperate the FE from the BE physically
> in typo3 - that means running FE an BE on two different machines?
> The frontend should be able to run without any database-connection -
> so I would have to generate real static content in typo3 backend and
> deploy it to frontend.
> I know that there would be some disadvantages
> (frontend-user-management, time-triggerd-page publishing, etc.) and
> the db is essetnial for the frontend - I just want to know if this
> scenario was considered.
> thanks,
> wolfgang

hello wolfgang.

we have a static export module working. if you want to invest some money, we 
could sell this to you.
please contact me offlist for details.


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