[Typo3] Menu: Level 1 in the header and level 2 on the left side

mamax markus.massak at dataport.at
Wed Jun 22 00:52:40 CEST 2005

ok, it works now. took me a little to find the reason why level1 was
displayed again instead of level2 (see commented line):

  MENU2.entryLevel = 1
  MENU2.special = directory
  //MENU2.special.value = 2
  MENU2.1.expAll = 1
  MENU2.1.NO = 1

...special.value pointed to pid=2 which is the (root) menu shortcut, this
probably overrules the entrylevel property.

thanx for the help!

"mamax" <markus.massak at dataport.at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:mailman.1.1119362819.13494.typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hi all,
> I built a horizontal text menu showing the first level of my page tree.
> How can I define a second menu object handling the second level of the
> page tree
> (displayed on the left side of the screen)?
> Thats the definition of my horizontal menu object:
>   MENU1.special = directory
>   MENU1.special.value = 2
>   MENU1.1 = TMENU
>   MENU1.1.NO = 1
> // MENU2 = ???
> --
> Markus Massak
> dataport IT.Netzwerk
> www.dataport.at

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