[Typo3] selectorbox without database relation

Bartosz Aninowski bart at sonik.pl
Tue Jun 21 14:07:37 CEST 2005

I would like to add selector box described here "A multiple value selector 
with contents from a database table"
to my BE  form.
This is part of  my tca.php

"acl_res" => Array (
   "exclude" => 0,
   "label" => 
   "config" => Array (
   "type" => "select",
    "items" => Array (
     Array("", 0),
                    Array("3008 x 2000",145),
                    Array("2240 x 1488",146),
                    Array("1504 x 1000",147),

There is no database relation (foreign table) just  list of items in array. 
Is it possible? 

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