[Typo3] templavoila sub template

tapio tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Tue Jun 21 11:32:21 CEST 2005

Kraft Bernhard wrote:
> Christoph Koehler wrote:
>> Hello,
>> sorry for this really obvious question, but the FTB doc is kinda old, 
>> and  I am not too smart. Maybe one of you guys can point me in the 
>> right  direction:
>> I would like to have some pages of my site have a different template. 
>> What  do I do? Add a new TO, or a DS, or both, and how do I do this? I 
>> played  around with it and got the template to show on the sites that 
>> I wanted,  but I didn't find any place to edit the TypoScript for that 
>> template to  add a submenu or content or anything.
> I read the FTB doc and had TV going in 2 days ... No sense of "outdated" 
> in my opinion ?

Well the documentation tells about adding new field. When I tryed to add 
new field i must make NEW DS? Using the newest TV I must DIRECTLY edit 
the DS-record. This might not be the purpose?

I hae some other notesw, which concerns shared contents. Using MTB you 
can create shared content using the principles explained in HTML CSS 
Styling plugin. To use reasonable way shared content in my mind it is 
necessary to mix principles of MTB and TV.
Read more from the topics 'Other colpos value than '0' using TemplaVoila'

Disadvantages of TV:

1) No as good solution for shared contents as in MTB - the difference is 
however small. When you use MTB  and select for example
the column 'LEFT' and you edit the content element, 
Typo3 puts the value to the SELECT-menu automatic
as '1'.
But if you use TV Typo3 put always the value automatic as '0' and the
user must always change it if he want different value.
NOT very difficult for the user - needs just a little intstruction to 
change the value.

2) If you need to change the template, you must ALWAYS make two changes 
(change first DS and then TO) - using MTB in most case one change is enough.

3) Different versions of content areas are in the same file - you can't 
use same content area templates in many projects as you can using MTB.

4) Moving content elements to other pages - if you move them to other 
pages they are not automatic available in other page - they goes first 
to unused elements, where they must take in use.


1) Different versions of content areas are in the same file and you can 
select, what to use; it is easy to put as reserve different layout 

2) The view is simple for the people, who update contents. This is for 
me the MAIN reason, why I have thought using TV in some projects.

3) Cut and paste content element is always possible. 
In the same page you can ALWAYS easily cut and paste 
content elements. If you use MTB and you don't have any content 
elements in the column 'LEFT' you can't cut an element from the column 
'NORMAL' and paste it to the column 'LEFT'. Only if you have at least 
one element in the column 'LEFT' you can paste the content element to 
that columns. TV doesn't have this limitation. You can paste content 
element into empty content areas.

As you see advantages/disadvantages depend on the author, what he 
regards good. It can't be said that TV is in matters better than MTB.
For me it is hard to choose between them.

Tapio Markula.

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