[Typo3] put different level of menus on different page?

Bart Veldhuizen bart at vrotvrot.com
Tue Jun 21 07:02:14 CEST 2005

Op 20-jun-2005, om 23:43 heeft Bing Du het volgende geschreven:

> I'm able to put different levels of menus on different places on  
> the same page.  But how to do that on different pages?  Here is the  
> page structure.
> page1
>   subpage11
>   subpage12
>   subpage13
> page2
>   subpage21
>   subpage22
> What I want is the top level page only shows the following as left  
> hand side menu.
> page1
> page2
> When clicking page1, the page will refresh and show page1's  
> subpages on the left as menu:
> subpage11
> subpage12
> subpage13
> Clicking page2 does the same thing, but this time shows page2's  
> subpages on the left as menu.

Hi Bing,

you could use a condition with the treeLevel condition to do that.  
Here's some untested code (you'll probably have to tweak the values  
in the condition below):


tmp.menu = HMENU
tmp.menu {
     entryLevel = 1

     #### LEVEL 1 ####
     1 = TMENU
     1 {

#note: you cannot use conditions inside {}
[treeLevel = 1]
   tmp.menu.entryLevel = 2




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