[Typo3] TYPO3 Login/Install Notifications sent as apacheuser

Boris Senker typo3 at dvotocka.hr
Sun Jun 19 15:03:04 CEST 2005

We are porting several TYPO3 installs from the common source, so common 
folders don't belong (ownerships) to the site user. So, when backend sends 
notification mails on install and admin login, the mail is being sent as:

from=<user-our-apache-is-running-as at our-server.hr>

meaning there are no records in logs as which site sent the mail. I suppose 
single install would send this mail as the user that files belong to.

Now this new extension - mhnotifychanger - doesn't really help much. First, 
it only sets the FROM headers in the mail, leaving the Return-Path: in 
headers the same as above, and it does it's job only for admin/user backend 
login, not install tool.

But using it, the sent mail is still sent and logged as 
from=<user-our-apache-is-running-as at our-server.hr> .

Looking at the contact form being sent from one of the TYPO3 sites we host, 
the contact mail is sent nicely as should be:

from=<domainuser at our-server.hr>

Installs where PHP is running as DSO module don't display this issue because 
all the e-mails scripts send are sent as 'nobody', but running PHP in a safe 
CGI environment displays this issue in logs and in sent mail's headers.

Is there a way to do the same for admin/install tool notifications?

Boris Senker

: dvotocka design

Graphic Design for Print and Web, Prepress, Website Production, TYPO3 

J. Laurencica 8, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

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