[Typo3] UTF gets escaped in forms

Dmitrii Dimandt dmitriid at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 17:26:42 CEST 2005

I use UTF-8 charset for nmy site. Because of that, I have to convert
all Russian strings in locallang.php files to Unicode (in the form of
Н). Everything worked fine until I hit indexed search.

In the advanced form of the search there are a number of <select>s
with options, whose strings are in the language file as well. However,
when I translate those strings, they appear as
&#1053;&#1072;&#1081;&#1090;&#1080; (instead of normal Russian words).

I have no idea how to combat this. I guess, it happens somewhere
inside Typo. If you could tell me where the language array gets
processed, that would be enogh, I think.

Thank you

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