[Typo3] Static template files from T3 Extensions

Jaco Graaff jaco at spacexplorer.co.za
Fri Jun 17 11:14:13 CEST 2005

Thx Rob - the problem is that in some of my sites on my multiple site 
installation I use ee_blog - or I might experiment with tx-srpuzzle or 
quickpoll on another - AND I would not like all those css to show up in each 
and every page's header in different sites. It adds 100's of lines of code 
to every html page as css style - which I don't use - BUT - if I put of the 
"Default(include before if Root-flag is set)"at "Static template files from
T3 Extensions:" then TipAFriend and MITDownload and adress directory does 
not work - so - am I limited to either have all those un-needed css and the 
extensions or is there a way to manually include only needed extension 
statics per site in a multisite installation???
"Rob De Vries" <spam_this at pandora.be> wrote in message 
news:mailman.1.1118933079.13993.typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de...
> plugin.tx_indexedsearch._CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE >
> for example removes all the css for the tx_indexedsearch ext.
> add this to your setup of your rootpage
> rob 

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