[Typo3] Acccess typoscript constants (in templates) via PHP

JoH info at cybercraft.de
Thu Jun 16 12:45:06 CEST 2005

> There's a custom typo3 extension and I want to pass constant
> parameters from the template to the extension.
> How can I access a constant which was defined in the Constants field
> of an template via PHP?
> I searched now for some time and found only hints as access them by...
> - $this->conf
> or
> - $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->flatSetup
> But nothing of it worked...
> I also debugged the array above with t3lib_div::debug() but without
> success of finding the defined values
> in the templates' constants field.

One possible solution: Use the constants in your setup field.
AFAIK a constant itself does nothing unless it is put into the setup on a
certain place.

Something like
content {
    defaultHeaderType = 1
in the constants has no effect until you do something like this in your
10.key.ifEmpty = {$content.defaultHeaderType}

Have a look at CSS-styled-content with the Template Analyzer.
It's making heavy use of constants.


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