[Typo3] menu problem [horizontal/vertical mix]

JoH info at cybercraft.de
Wed Jun 15 15:06:30 CEST 2005

>> temp.menu = HMENU
>> temp.menu {
>>     wrap = <table><tr>|</tr></table>
>>     # menu 1st level:
>>     1 = TMENU
>>     1 {
>>         expAll = 1
>>         # normal:
>>         NO.wrapItemsAndSub = <td> | </td>
>>     }
>>     # menu 2nd level:
>>     wrap = <table>|</table>
>>     2 = TMENU
>>     2 {
>>         expAll = 1
>>         # normal:
>>         NO.wrapItemsAndSub = <tr><td> | </td></tr>
>>     }
>> }
> Try this one (untested but most probably working) :
> temp.menu = HMENU
> temp.menu {
>    # Wrap whole menu (use this just once - later defintions overwrite
>    the first one) wrap = <table><tr>|</tr></table>
>    # menu 2nd level:
>    1 = TMENU
>    1 {
>      expAll = 1
>      # normal:
>      # One <td>|</td> for each main-menu-entry (| gets replaced by
>      main-menu-entry+sub-menu) NO.wrapItemsAndSub = <td> | </td>
>      # Wrap the main-menu-entry (just the main-menu-entry. not the
>      following sub-menu) NO.allWrap = <div class="main"> | </div>
>    }
>    # menu 2nd level:
>    2 = TMENU
>    2 {
>      # Not needed her. We want just the first level to expand
>      # expAll = 1
>      # normal:
>      # Wrap each sub-menu-item in a DIV so they get displayed below
>      each other ... NO.allWrap = <div class="sub"> | </div>
>    }
> }

Sorry, guys - but both of your codes will not work because you made the same
spelling Error:
it has to be
and not
And in Piotrs code the wrap for the menu is in the wrong place:

temp.menu = HMENU
temp.menu {
     1 = TMENU
     1 {
         wrap = <table><tr>|</tr></table>
         expAll = 1
         NO.wrapItemAndSub = <td>|</td>
     # menu 2nd level:
     2 = TMENU
     2 {
         wrap = <table>|</table>
         expAll = 1
         NO.wrapItemAndSub = <tr><td>|</td></tr>

This should be working and give you the desired horrible set of nested
tables ;-)
Although you don't need wrapItemAndSub for the second Menu unless you want
to insert a third one that should be enclosed by the <td> of the second.


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