[Typo3] Typo3 template repository?
info at cybercraft.de
Tue Jun 14 23:20:02 CEST 2005
>> I'm a new subscriber to typo3.design and have no clue about the past
>> postings. So what is the alternative or the plan to avoid this and
>> to get a better respective easier template- and css design? As I
>> wrote earlier, the problem is not the html-template or the TS code,
>> for me it's the horror with neverending css files - sometimes dozens
>> of lines for each extension, that's too complex to handle, if you
>> use a lot of different designs like I do...
> I'd say the solution is to standardize your design process. I don't
> see any reason - if you're designing new sites often - why you
> couldn't just build a generic html / css template for each of the most
> frequently used extensions and do minor customization each time. With
> a cleverly thought out html template, it should be possible to create
> a set of extension styles that don't need extensive customization. You
> can even create separate stylesheets for each extension if you like
> and call them into the main stylesheet...
> @import(tt_news.css);
> @import(sr_feuserregister.css);
> @import(some_other_extension.css);
> I find it is only very rarely necessary to substantially change
> extension templates once I've customized them the first time, and if
> you make use of the _cascade_ in [c]ss, you get a lot of your
> extension styles for free...
And another thing you should try is:
Ignoring all those extension- and CSC-specific classes and do something
using the default techniques offered by CSS.
Usually i.e. headers in a news list or single news display don't differ very
much from the rest of the header styles. And if they do, there might be
things they have in common.
Since almost every content element and/or plugin has got at least one
surrounding box with a class you can do something like this:
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 {
h1 {
font-size: 1.8em;
h2 {
font-size: 1.6em;
h3 {
font-size: 1.4em;
h4 {
font-size: 1.2em;
h5 {
font-size: 1em;
div.myextension h1, div.myextension h2, div.myextension h3, div.myextension
h4, div.myextension h5 {
Same thing for almost any other extension.
This way you don't have to hassle with redundant settings for the different
When using different colors for different pages, while keeping the rest
ofthe CSS you can split up the CSS into different files.
includeCSS.file1 = commonsetup.css
includeCSS.file2 = colorset_red.css
Keep all color related things inside colorset_red.css and when you want to
switch to a blue page, simply copy it to colorset_blue.css and change the
values there.
This way I never needed CSS files with more than a few hundred lines for the
commonsetup and the colorset_whatever had almost less than 100 lines.
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