[Typo3] Typo3 template repository?

Dieter Mayer dieter_mayer at gmx.net
Tue Jun 14 18:15:37 CEST 2005

Ups, have to correct myself, the UrbanNomad Template was not pubished by
Michael Scharkov, the autors are Ryan Off & Stephane Schitter - where was my
brain today... - sorry 'bout that.


> 2) Writing a designer and developer related manual, how a 
> standard template has to be designed in terms of file 
> structure, mandatory files, constant settings etc. (maybe 
> Michael Scharkow could help with this 'cause he has released 
> his fine Urban Nomad template a few days ago). 
> 3) Writing a step by step guide how to install such a 
> template (mostly done by Michael Scharkow) including a list 
> of mandatory extensions.

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