[Typo3] Chatbox extension available

Kraft Bernhard kraftb at gmx.net
Tue Jun 14 13:17:43 CEST 2005

Onno Schuit wrote:

> You're absolutely right of course. This is on my to-do list for the JPSpan library (the chatbox uses this library through so_jpspan). At the moment, I haven't figured out yet how to include only the strictly necessary Typo3 elements (say, frontend user login functions).

I wrote a Chat-Server for T3. But this one has to get started as php-cli (Client) application on the
webserver ... so you need to have shell access or at least safe mode must not be set to ON.

The script opens up it's own port and features it's own little HTTP server for handling the chat-messages (message submit)
The output window (iframe) also get's retrieved from this little server ... the reason for this is that it can easily
(and without higher CPU load than 2%) handle about 50 connections (I wrote a test-client) this way.
If an apache instance would have to run for each connected users then guess what your server would tell you if
you have 50 apache instances open for hours (a normal chat-time :)

You can view and download the Chat at:

But it is still one of exts which hasn't got a Manual already so I won't release it in TER

I'm really interested in seeing what JPSpan (Ajax?) can do for me ... I wrote some DHTML applications (games)
for T3 and had to write all the Javascript stuff myself ... Don't know exactly if this would have been easier
with JPSpan ...
You can see what I mean at:


Currently I have Solitair and Mahjongg ... Mahjongg is almost ready for a TER release.

Kraft Bernhard
MOKKA Medienagentur <http://www.mokka.at>
T: +43 - 1 - 895 33 33 - 50

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