[Typo3] RTE Problems formatting...

Amir Mualem amir219 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jun 14 05:37:47 CEST 2005

I am having problems formatting my text and such with the RTE in my FCE 
field and in my footer which is a constant throughout the site.

The FCE is like any other FCE, which is put into use in this page: 

The container, the title, the subtext ("Have any questions? If so..."), 
and the elements container.  I enabled the RTE, but when I change a text 
to a link, or make them bold, it comes as you see in the page, without 
the formatting and just the code.  Why is this?


Also for the footer, I put a link for the "Strategic Command Center" but 
it simply does not show up formatted.  The whole footer displays there 
due to this TS code:

lib.footer = RECORDS
lib.footer.source = 56
lib.footer.tables = tt_content
lib.footer.conf.tt_content = TEXT

lib.footer < lib.footer


NOTE:  The regular RTE, as you can see inside that first link page, 
works for the text elements etc, but for the FCE fields and my footer it 
doesn't... what is the problem?

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