[Typo3] Using globalVar = TSFE: for content-elements

JoH info at cybercraft.de
Thu Jun 9 13:22:57 CEST 2005

> Thanks, Joey, for your reply! I worked out your suggestion which gave
> me this:
> # wrap right content
> #################
> temp.contentRightRepeat = CONTENT
> temp.contentRightRepeat {
> ...
>      }
> }
> The above does wrap correctly for the different content-elements per
> default. It does not apply any wrap if checkbox
> 'tx_bendoo_extra_checkbox' is checked for that content-element.

Maybe this is because the checkbox value is something else than "1"?

> However, now the contents of '20.field = header' and '20.field = text'
> is rendered WITHOUT their respective wraps, that is WITHOUT '<div
> class="csc-header csc-header-n6"><h3>[HEADER HERE]</h3></div>', etc.
> I am using CSS_styled_content/3.7.0.

Ouf course not. You didn't tell that you want to change the default CSC
So this is just using some basic functionality to render content from the

If you want to use it with default CSC, you might want to create an
outerWrap based on the field value.

tt_content.stdWrap.outerWrap.cObject = CASE
tt_content.stdWrap.outerWrap.cObject {
    key.field = myfield
    default = TEXT
    default {
        value = whatever|whatever
    fieldvalue = TEXT
    fieldvalue {
        value = whoever|whoever

if outerWrap is already in use you can use something similar out of the
stdWrap functions.

Got the point?


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