[Typo3] Using globalVar = TSFE: for content-elements

Bert Hiddink [BENDOO e-work solutions] hiddink at bendoo.com
Wed Jun 8 13:36:42 CEST 2005


I would like to control wrapping on an content-element basis so I 
created a tiny extension which add an extra checkbox to the 
tt_content-table. This will add flexibility to my templates as the 
condition can be changed "per content-element".

So after creating the extension, I worked out the following TS:

# wrap right content
temp.contentRightRepeat = CONTENT
temp.contentRightRepeat {
     table = tt_content
     select {
       pidInList = this
       orderBy = sorting
       where = colpos=2
     renderObj.20 = TEXT
     renderObj.20.field = header
     renderObj.21 = TEXT
     renderObj.21.field = bodytext
     [globalVar = TSFE:tt_content|tx_bendoo_extra_checkbox = 0]
      renderObj.stdWrap.wrap = AAA|BBB
      renderObj.stdWrap.wrap = CCC|DDDD

However, this condition
  [globalVar = TSFE:tt_content|tx_bendoo_extra_checkbox = 0]
... does not work.

I guess this is not the correct way to call a field from the 

Any suggestions how I could this get working?

Many thanks in advance for your help!


Bert Hiddink
hiddink at bendoo.nl
BENDOO e-work solutions
Harterinkdijk 8, 7065 AR SINDEREN
The Netherlands
Tel. 0315 244525

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