[Typo3] Pic duplication using Flexforms

Harald Klotzberg [decomplex audio HQ] harry at decomplexaudio.com
Wed Jun 8 10:31:24 CEST 2005

Hi List,

I´m using Typo3 3.8 with TemplaVoila 0.4.0,
everything works fine but there is a problem with Images in Flexforms.

I have graphical Headers as ImageField, Fixed W+H Element in TemplaVoila.
If i add a Image in the Page Header, Typo always add a _01.gif
at the End and duplicate the gfx in fileadmin directory.
If i add a Image as normal Content Element, everything is ok,
no duplication then!

Is there any way to prevent that Typo duplicate the Images,
would be nice if i can have only 1 image each, which is more
than enough :)

i played around with
    10.file.import.current = 1
    10.file.import.listNum = 0
in the DS but it seems that i´m totally wrong.
I couldn´t find anything via google or in the docu :(

thanx in advance

Harald Klotzberg

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