[Typo3] Confusing Content area template selector Documentation

Tim Boesenkool tim at boesenkool.com
Wed Jun 8 07:30:03 CEST 2005

Does anyone have proof that the content area template selector in the
rlmp_tmplselector extension does work?


I love the concept but can't seem to get it to work. I've gone through the
modern template documentation 3 times.

I'm using 3.7.0 with the freshest extensions. I've taken it apart a rebuilt
it from scratch several times now but still to no effect. I've gone through
MTB 2+3 and all the tutorials I can find. There seems to be quite a few
suggested fixes in the footnotes on typo3.org/documentation, but nothing
seems consistent or an absolute solution. I've duplicated Robert Lemke and
Tiziano Fogliata code line by line but still to no avail.


If anyone can offer some tips or help on this I'd be hugely appreciative.




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