[Typo3] How to setup "recently updated" item

Torsten Schrade schrade at lineara.de
Wed Jun 8 07:17:37 CEST 2005

Jane Larsen wrote:
> I just noticed: This setup is not global for the site (this root page), can 
> I do that? So that no matter what sub page on the site you go to, the list 
> will show the same?

Do you mean how to include it in your template so that it is visible on
every page? The solution above is for situations where you insert a
sitemap-CE type 5 on a particular page and define a starting point
within the sitemap content element.

For inclusion on every page within a template things are a bit
different. I don't know your settings, but here is a basic example with
html-template approach:

First, copy it to the appropriate place in your template:

page.10.marks.WHATEVER < tt.content.menu.20.5

Then set a starting point:

page.10.marks.WHATEVER.special.value.field >
page.10.marks.WHATEVER.special.value = *id to start from*

If you do it this way you can still use the sitemap.5 as a content
element with different starting points. Depending on your setup you
might want to use the .beginAtLevel property etc. as well.

All this and more can be looked up in TSRef ;-):

Hope that helps and cheers,

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