[Typo3] [typo3] Generating sub header from page title

Bart Veldhuizen bart at vrotvrot.com
Tue Jun 7 09:44:35 CEST 2005

Op 31-mei-2005, om 17:04 heeft Roberts, Emma het volgende geschreven:

> I tried using the Template on Next Level option but I'm not sure  
> where I'm
> supposed to get the template from. Do I need to make a new one on  
> another
> page?

I usually create a Sysfolder called 'templates' that holds all my  
template records. For easy management, I then create separate  
templates for each required function such as 'page object', 'content  
layout', 'topmenu', 'leftmenu' etc. In your case, you could create  
templates called 'homepage' (and include that one from the homepage)  
and '2nd level page'.



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