[Typo3] add a <div> arounf the Flash Plugin (tx_rlmpflashdetection_pi1)

JoH info at cybercraft.de
Sun Jun 5 19:02:10 CEST 2005

>>> How would I go about creating some typoscript to wrap a <div
>>> class="uniquename"> | </id> around the Flash Plugin extension?
>>> Currently it places a <div class="content"> around it, but if I was
>>> to create a style sheet which manipulated that, I guess other
>>> objects will use the same class name which I don't want to alter.
>>> Some guidance would be appreciated - I am guessing there is a simple
>>> solution to this?
>> Set the following TS in one of your TS-Templates:
>> tt_content.multimedia.20.stdWrap.innerWrap = <div class="multi"> |
>> </div>
>> this just works if you are using CSS styled content (if you use
>> content (default) tell me then it's another TS path.
> Thanks for the response, but it doesn't work. Yes, I am using CSS
> Styles Content.
> Also, the above solution looks like it is looking at the general
> multimedia extension which enables you to plug i various multimedia.
> I am using the Flash plugin (Adds a flash movie with automatic
> detection.) It is part of the 'insert plugin' Type.

tt_content.list.20 is the place you are looking for.
TSOB will show you it's a CASE object containing some default values for the
standard plugins.
For each additional extension there is another key. So in your case it
should be:

tt_content.list.20.rlmp_flashdetection_pi1 <

The plugin itself doesn't contain any stdWrap properties by default so you
have to put it into a COA:

temp.myflash = COA
temp.myflash {
    10 < plugin.tx_rlmpflashdetection_pi1
    wrap = <div class="myflashplugin">|</div>

then you clear the original tt_content part:
tt_content.list.20.rlmp_flashdetection_pi1 >

and copy your temp object to that place
tt_content.list.20.rlmp_flashdetection_pi1 < temp.myflash

Done ...


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