[Typo3] Caching

Jan Bednarik info at bednarik.org
Fri Jun 3 23:43:25 CEST 2005

> Hy there,
Hi there,

> some days ago I emailed this list because I had a problem with a whole
> branch of a website not being indexed by indexed search indexer. I think the
> problem is strictly related with caching. So now the question is: is there a
> way of disabling caching that should not be by Tscript config.no_cache=1 or
> by turning the checkbox of the header of the page on, or even disabling it
> from an extension php script by $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->set_no_cache()?
Here's my first thought - caching is done by putting stuff into a 
database. If you make the database keep the cache-table empty, nothing 
will be cached. I.E. - you can put a PHP script into index.php that will 
erease everything in the table.

Well, not a very good solution, but I can't think of anything else right 
now :)

Jan Bednarik

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