[Typo3] Add textbox to Regular Text Content Element

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Fri Jun 3 20:39:33 CEST 2005

Derek wrote:
> I started to create an extension.

Believe me. The easiest (and as side-effect cleanest) method to do this would be
by making a little extension.

No php coding will be required.

You just have to fire of an empty extension with nothing than the General description
and a second thing in the kickstarter.

The second thing is to extend an existing table (pages) by the required field.
and then add the follwing lines to the ext_tables.php in the extension directory:

    // Load pages TCA and add fields

you can look how this is done (adding a field to the pages table) by having a look at
the extension "css_select" for example. (Look at ext_table.sql/php)


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