[Typo3] TemplaVoila
Martin Visser
visser at squarewise.com
Wed Jun 1 11:04:18 CEST 2005
After exporting and importing something weird happened to TemplaVoila.
Most pages are fine, but some just don't want to work anymore. I get an
TemplaVoila ERROR:
Template Object could not be unserialized successfully.
Are you sure you saved mapping information into Template Object with
UID "16"?
And offcourse I saved the mapping information into TO with UID 16. I
tried it from scratch and from the imported xml. It just won't work.
I don't get any errors in the BE. Except for this one in the log (but
don't know if it has to do with the TemplaVoila error):
10:50 . . . These fields are not properly updated in database:
(templatemapping) Probably value mismatch with fieldtype. (0)
Any ideas?
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