[Typo3] RTE customization

mamax markus.massak at dataport.at
Wed Jul 6 14:34:14 CEST 2005


it really makes me mad. The most simple things (at least they seem to be
simple) won't work.

I customized my RTE on one page like the manuals say:

1. Put TSConfig-code into page header:

RTE.classes {
 title15 {
  name = Title15
  value = font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 15px; font-weight : bold; color : #990000;
RTE.default.classesParagraph = title15

2. Ensure that your CSS contains this class "title15" ... done.

At first it seems to work as the class is displayed in the menu and the
paragraph gets formatted correctly (the html source contains the proper
But as soon I save the page, the formatting restores to regular bodytext.
The div-tags vanished...

...i'm dazed and puzzled

Markus Massak
dataport IT.Netzwerk


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