[Typo3] Wired Problem css_styled_content

Matthias Taugwalder matthias.taugwalder at bluewin.ch
Wed Jul 6 11:28:56 CEST 2005

Hi again

I still have this really strange problem with the css_styled_content

1. Version 3.7.0 is installed

2. css_styled_content and automaketemplate extensions are installed

3. Template is correcty defined and css_styled_content also included

4. I'm using the following typoscript for testing:
	# Configuring the auto-parser
	plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1 {
	    # Read template file
	    content = FILE
	    content.file = fileadmin/layout1.html
	    # Define HTML elements that should be wrapped
	    elements {
	        BODY.all = 1
	        BODY.all.subpartMarker = DOCUMENT_BODY
	        HEAD.all = 1
	        HEAD.all.subpartMarker = DOCUMENT_HEADER
	        HEAD.rmTagSections = title
	        TD.all = 1
	    # Prefix relative paths
	    relPathPrefix = /fileadmin/

	temp.test = TEXT
	temp.test.insertData = 1
	temp.test.value = Navigation
	# Main template
	temp.mainTemplate = TEMPLATE
	temp.mainTemplate {
	    # Get content from auto parser
	    template =< plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1
	    # Select content between body tags
	    workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT_BODY
	    # Insert navi1 subpart
	    subparts.naviTop < temp.test

	# Head template
	temp.headTemplate = TEMPLATE
	temp.headTemplate {
	    # Get content from auto parser
	    template =< plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1
	    # Select content between head tags
	    workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT_HEADER

	# PAGE object
	page = PAGE
	page.typeNum = 0
	# Set page title
	config.noPageTitle = 1
	page.headerData.1 = TEXT
	page.headerData.1.insertData = 1
	page.headerData.1.value = <title>{page:title}</title>

	# Set page body tag
	page.bodyTag = <body bgcolor="#555B65" link="#999999"
vlink="#999999" alink="#999999">

	# Add main template to page
	page.10 < temp.mainTemplate

	# Add header content
	page.headerData.10 < temp.headTemplate

5. The template contains an target section if <td id="naviTop"> where the
test content should be placed.

6. The placeholder is correctly identified which means the <!--###naviTop###
begin --><!--###naviTop### end -->
   parts are visible in the source code of the generated page.


7. There's no content visible although all configurations look fine, also
after double, triple and quadra checkign

8. I'm using an identical setup for other domains without any problems...

Any ideas? Thanks for any hints in advance.

Best regards,

Matthias Taugwalder

Matthias Taugwalder
matthias.taugwalder at bluewin.ch

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