[Typo3] Typo3 hosting at midphase.com

William Meertens nuke at meewi.be
Mon Jan 31 21:53:01 CET 2005

Hi Albert and the rest of the world,

Nice to see you are happy with them. I didn't had that much luck. To me it's an extremely bad one. I have given more then 10 hosting companies a go last year. They came out last. Cheap price is not always the solution. Sometimes it's better to pay a bit more. Does not have to much, but if you can pay 7.95 you can pay 8.95 as well. It's what you expect, price or service. If you where wondering, today I have my sites hosted with two companies and I'm looking to get my first dedicated hosting.

Enjoy your coding with Typo3, that costs nothing and is the best of all listed with opensourceCMS, cmsInfo and CMS Matrix. Yes I tested them all, I lost count along the way. To keep it fair, SPIP, Drupal, Mambo, Limbo, Webinstasp and Plume did OK to. In order of ranking, Typo3 far of number one, then SPIP and so on ... The most terrible one PHP-nuke, lack of security.

All my best,

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http://www.meewi.be                                       SMILE
http://www.ladiescycling.net                       it cost nothing and
http://www.hostinglc.net                           it's beyond price !

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