[TYPO3-dev] Exceptions of LocalDriver in TYPO3 6.2.x and their consequences

Philipp Gampe philipp.gampe at typo3.org
Mon Oct 13 00:02:31 CEST 2014

Hi Frans,

Frans Saris wrote:

> This is the whole idea of exceptions. The "calling" party should take care
> of catching the exception. Unfortunately this is not done when FAL got
> introduced. So let's fix it now and not again change functionality/api

Well, then we are kind of on track. I would still like to have a high level 
API that does all that for me, just to avoid writing the same boilerplate 
code over and over again. Because if we do not have such an API, developers 
will always forget one of the many possible exceptions. Thus it must be 
possible to cache all exceptions at once and we must document how the FAL 
API is supposed to be used, including all required boilerplate code.

Best regards
Philipp Gampe – PGP-Key 0AD96065 – TYPO3 UG Bonn/Köln
Documentation – Active contributor TYPO3 CMS
TYPO3 .... inspiring people to share!

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