[TYPO3-dev] EXT Extension uploader (extension_uploader) - no upload to TER

Helmut Hummel helmut.hummel at typo3.org
Wed Sep 18 20:32:30 CEST 2013

Hi Christian,

On 18.09.13 15:32, Christian Zenker wrote:

> The extensions are not deprecated. The TYPO3 Core version is.

The whole idea of the TER cleanup is, that extensions are by definition 
deprecated (outdated) when they are not suppored by a current TYPO3 

In fact by deprecating certain TYPO3 Core versions, how can an extension 
not be deprecated by definition as it requires a TYPO3 Core version we 
suggest not to use any more? Extensions are not standalone, but in fact 
extending the core.

> And this is an important difference.

I don't think so.

> You can't decide that an extension author is no
> longer "allowed" to support his own extension just because the CMS isn't.

We can't decide anything for anybody. There are (and there will always 
be) people that are still using TYPO3 4.2 and according extensions.

But we can set up rules which we think make sense for the platform 
(which is the TYPO3 Core and the TER) in total.

There is a broad consensus which TYPO3 versions are supported for what 
amount of time. It has been decided that this support policy should be 
reflected in the TER as it belongs to the platform.

So, if there is a need for extension authors to upload extensions for 
deprecated TYPO3 versions in one year, we need to acknoledge that there 
is still a need for these TYPO3 versions which should result in longer 
support for these versions.

Am I missing something?

Kind regards,

Helmut Hummel
Release Manager TYPO3 6.0
TYPO3 Core Developer, TYPO3 Security Team Member

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