[TYPO3-dev] Compat Layer in LTS 6.2 ?

Ernesto Baschny ernesto.baschny at typo3.org
Wed Sep 4 09:50:16 CEST 2013

Britta Kohorst schrieb am 02.09.2013 09:24:

> we would like to know if we can rely on the information given in the file typo3/sysext/core/Migrations/Code/LegacyClassesForIde.php inside typo3src 6.0.8.? 
> It says that functions and classes deprecated since 6.0 will be removed in 7.0 - which would mean that those classes and functions will still be available in LTS 6.2! 
> This is of vital importance for us since we have to migrate a lot of extensions  - that will be replaced by extbase- and fluid-based versions in the future - but that will have to run with 6.2 to bridge the gap until the new versions are in a stable production state.
> To put it in a nutshell: will we be able to run pibased extensions without namespaces under LTS 6.2 ? Will the compat layer still be in place?

Yes, all the old classnames and the "old way" of extensions to work
(pibase, no namespaces etc) will still be working as usual in TYPO3 6.2.

One difference that might affect your extension is that in 6.2 we
removed the whole t3lib/ directory which actually contained the old
class-files. In order to use the "old class names" you simply have to
remove all "require_once" in your extension code and let the autoloader
resolve the names for you.

The file you are mentioning (LegacyClassForIde) are just there for the
sake of IDE's like PhpStorm and Eclipse to understand the old class
names and be able to autocomplete method names etc.

At PHP execution time the compatibility is done through so called "Class
Aliases", which are set up in files like these:


We have an initiative working on an extension that will check your
current environment and report you stuff that you need to do while
migrating from 4.5 to 6.2:

https://github.com/nxpthx/typo3-upgradereport  (EXT:smoothmigration)

This is still a work in progress, but one of the thing it checks is
exactly extensions that are using "require_once's" that need to be removed.

Kind regards,

Ernesto Baschny
TYPO3 CMS Core Developer
Release Manager TYPO3 4.5 & 6.2 LTS

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