[TYPO3-dev] thank you Formhandler (little review of my preferred TYPO3 form engine)

Loek Hilgersom loek at netcoop.nl
Mon May 20 21:39:32 CEST 2013

Hi Stefano,

I'd like to second that. I use formhandler for anything that goes beyond a 
simple contactform and I'm very pleased with the flexibility (you have control 
over every little detail of the processing and how the form looks) and the 

Well done!

On 17-05-13 12:04, Stefano Cecere wrote:
> i just wanted to give public thanks to the http://www.typo3-formhandler.com
> project and to his main developer (Reinhard) who is such responsitive and
> dedicated to improve it
> i am converting all forms in my website to use formhandler (even user
> registration and newsletter subscription, CRM & REST services, and custom
> extension editing. since i still can't manage Fluid/Extbase forms for editing
> complex objects)
> i like Formhandler much more than Powermail because here i can have all form
> data, templates and logic in text files, with master templates to share the same
> form rendering among multiple forms (and even sites)
> in Powermail you have to deal with fields and form structure via BE and DB.. not
> good for deployment on critic sites.
> compared to Formhandler, the "new" TYPO3 core form ext is child's toy (i guess
> not used that much to be useable if not for simple contact forms)
> http://www.typo3-formhandler.com website is quite very good.. some important
> tutorials are missing (for advanced or complex solutions) but i'll give back to
> the project helping with those
> best regards
> -- --- ----- -------
> Stefano Cecere
> KRUR studio - http://krur.com

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