[TYPO3-dev] limit login attempts to the backend

Kay Strobach typo3 at kay-strobach.de
Thu Feb 14 08:49:25 CET 2013

Hello Mohammed,

yes there is a hook, in the function which authenticates the user. Sadly
i can't remember how the function was exactly named :(

I think it was directly after interating over the auth services :)


Am 13.02.13 16:07, schrieb Mohammed.Rebai at cspq.gouv.qc.ca:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to develop some modifications to TYPO3 to limit the number of login attempts. For example, when i define a limit of 5 attempts, after 5 failure to login to the backend, the account will be suspended during an hour.
> Is it possible to develop the functionality in TYPO3 ? is there a hook I can use ? or a service ?
> Thank you
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