[TYPO3-dev] Your Input On: 6.x Extension Manager

Mark Roemermann mark at nasaustralia.com.au
Mon Feb 11 03:18:06 CET 2013

On 11/02/2013 2:12 AM, Loek Hilgersom wrote:
> In 4.5, when checking for extension updates, you got a very useful list
> containing all updatable extensions including the upload-comments from
> the extension author for each version higher than what you have now.
> See screenshot: http://img.im/i/dic3m6
> I never understood why this had been dropped, because it gives a perfect
> list on which you can decide which extensions urgently need an update
> because of a security issue, or which ones require more work because
> they include breaking changes. Or has it just been hidden in a far away
> corner that I haven't discovered?
> Cheers,
> Loek

I agree Loek, this was a useful integrator feature to have, although
this had gone by the time of the 4.5 EM?  I think this was the old
3.8~4.4 EM that had this 'check updated extensions' list?  I do miss it
however, as having one place that gave just that little bit more context
for a given update was very useful.  Saved having to check the TER
website for each extension one at a time to review changes between
verisons, particularly if you skipped one or two.

A second feature I miss from the 4.5 era EM is the ability to add
columns to the remote extension list.  You could click on the little
triangle and select additional columns (such as author) and filter on
these columns.

I agree that by default, a simpler interface is less confusing but it
could be a useful power user feature when searching for a particular
authors extensions, particularly when you may be after a suite of
extensions by a particular author (like Claus' FED exts, or the
sportsbet exts, or the several DAM exts).

For a large database like TER efficient discoverability is just as much
a part of integrator usability as well as the simplified UI/UX.


Mark R.

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