[TYPO3-dev] Content Fallback and URL

Gion Koch gionantoni.koch at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 16:20:44 CEST 2013

Hi all,

For a customer we have a special setup for their page languages. There are about four first level pages which have different language combinations. We also have configured the content fallback to the default language and use realurl.

Now, the customer doesn't like the behaviour when you are on a 1st Level page and switch to another 1st level page, with a different language setup, that the specific language segment in the url( /en/ ) from the Realurl extension doesn't get changed to the fallback language.
Is it possible to either change the realurl config to adjust to the content fallback? or is there any other option?

I hope it's not written too complicated and I'm aware that this issue could be easily avoided by translate the whole page.

Not needed to say, that we need the fallback on behalf of the customer and for Solr.

I also wonder what impact the content fallback has regarding SEO.


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