[TYPO3-dev] Re: translated FAL image title/description (TYPO3 6.0.0.)

Sven Proffe proffe at quadracom.de
Fri Aug 9 16:46:24 CEST 2013

I've got the same problem as Stefan.

I'm using TypoScript (with T3 V 6.0.6) to assemble a custom content element that fetches bodytext, images and image caption from a regular CE. Everything works fine with elements in the default language. When translating the element to an alternative page language and changing image and/or caption the front end output shows the translated bodytext but erroneously the original image and caption.

To me it seems as if the reference between the translated CE and it's images get's lost or isn't followed when being processed by TypoScript

BTW: Hasn't the TS-object "FILES" been introduced not until v 6.0?

Any hints how to deal with that?

Thanks in advance and kind regards

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