[TYPO3-dev] Correct check for localisation and workspace in fe plugin

Christian Welzel gawain at camlann.de
Wed Jan 25 13:48:19 CET 2012

Am 25.01.2012 09:55, schrieb Jigal van Hemert:

>>> The way to get a localized version of a table row:
>>> The way to get the workspace overlay:

> First localisation then workspace preview.

So when i call these functions i end up with several uid records in my
row: uid, _ORIG_UID and _LOCALIZED_UID.
If i understood correctly, typo3 already does this overlaying for
tt_content records automatically, doesn't it?
Which one is these uids is the one of the currently rendered tt_content
record, which i try to render in my plugin (should be available as

  MfG, Christian Welzel

   GPG-Key:     http://www.camlann.de/de/pgpkey.html
   Fingerprint: 4F50 19BF 3346 36A6 CFA9 DBDC C268 6D24 70A1 AD15

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