[TYPO3-dev] local git mirror og TYPO3 core & submodules

Adrien Crivelli adrien.crivelli at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 09:31:19 CEST 2012

> The URLs of the submodules are part of the
> repository itself (file .gitmodules, which is versioned just like every
> other stuff).

Actually, yes and no. Yes the file is indeed versionned, but it is possible
to "override" those URL locally in the file .git/config. So it would be
possible to point to a local mirror of submodules. But it must be done for
each local clone of TYPO3 Core which probably is not convenient... at
all... but at least you have no forking, thus no conflicts.

This "overriding" mechanism is one of the reason "git submodule sync"
exists (see the man


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