[TYPO3-dev] BE Module: How to add a datepicker to an input

Stephen Bungert stephenbungert at yahoo.de
Sat Nov 19 18:42:05 CET 2011

"Jigal van Hemert" <jigal at xs4all.nl> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1321715602.4942.typo3-dev at lists.typo3.org...
> Hi,
> On 18-11-2011 21:11, Stephen Bungert wrote:
>> Can I just include the jQuery library with my MOD and use that instead?
> Why not? Make sure you load prototype, scriptaculous, sproutcore, YahooUI, 
> mootools and any other framework you can find too. Maybe you can break a 
> record for the most simultaneously loaded JS frameworks...

That would sound funny if it wasn't already so: prototype, scriptaculous, 
extjs are already used (4.6) and in addition to these in 4.5 modernizer and 
d3 are used.

> Seriously, ExtJS is used as JS framework in the TYPO3 BE. There are quite 
> a few places where a date picker is used; these can be used as 
> inspiration. The extra advantage is that your date picker looks exactly 
> the same and behaves exactly the same as the BE user is used to!

Yes that would be nice that they all looked the same. If there were some 
functions to create these fields like the in TCE forms but mods where you 
don't need them for specific records and tables I 'm sure  a lot more people 
would be making mods that actually did look like the rest of the TYPO3 BE.

Why was extjs chosen? Sometimes I think the devs of TYPO3 purposefully 
select the most complicated convulted way of doing things. They could have 
chosen jQuery, it's easy to understand, fast, people know how to use it. 
Like  a car. But instead something akin to fighter jet is chosen, even 
though most people will never need a fighter jet... a fighter jet that 
doesn't come with a manual, and just makes everything more complicated then 
it needs to be.

This is just my opinion as a designer, I'm not  a programmer. Maybe if you 
are  programmer extjs is easy to use and understand. Poor documentation for 
beginners is complained about a lot on the makers forums.

> As far as documentation is concerned, maybe you can invest some time in 
> documenting the way to use a date picker in the wiki. The next person 
> trying to do the same would appreciate it!

Ok, I shall... I have a typo3.org account. Is that all i need?


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