[TYPO3-dev] Indexed search for tt_news

Oliver Salzburg kinggencha at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 10 13:45:25 CET 2011

This is usually how I do it.
I put the crawler configurations like these two in the PageTS of the
root page of the site:

# tt_news Indexing
# 512 is the PID of the News storage sysfolder
# This is the configuration for tt_news entries in your default language
tx_crawler.crawlerCfg.paramSets.www-tt_news = 
tx_crawler.crawlerCfg.paramSets.www-tt_news {
   baseUrl         = http://www.haseke.de/
   cHash           = 1
   # 514 is the PID of the tt_news SINGLE view page
   pidsOnly        = 514
   procInstrFilter = tx_indexedsearch_reindex
# A second tt_news configuration for another language with language ID 1
tx_crawler.crawlerCfg.paramSets.www-tt_news-fr = 
tx_crawler.crawlerCfg.paramSets.www-tt_news-fr {
   baseUrl         = http://www.haseke.de/
   cHash           = 1
   # 514 is the PID of the tt_news SINGLE view page
   pidsOnly        = 514
   procInstrFilter = tx_indexedsearch_reindex

Then I let the crawler queue fill with this cron entry:

php5 /.../typo3/typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh crawler_im 1 -d 99 -o queue -n 
1000 -conf www-tt_news
php5 /.../typo3/typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh crawler_im 1 -d 99 -o queue -n 
1000 -conf www-tt_news-fr

And finally I process the queue with:

php5 /.../typo3/typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh crawler

Usually that works just fine. If my results are messed up in the
frontend, it's usually a problem with user groups.

Hope this helps.

On 2011-11-10 13:32, Shanmugarajan K wrote:
> Hello Olivier,
> In my application, i do not have any front end users. I am trying to get
> the search results on general search functionality.
> Can you please brief me more, where could i check/set the permission for
> search indexing configuration.
> Actually i have created the "indexing configuration" with type as
> "Database record"  and selected the table as "news". Then i have crawel
> using
> cli_dispatch.phpsh crawler<single view pid>   -conf=simple-indexing
> After than i could able to see all the indexed records, key word in the
> "info" view "Indexed search" option
> Please let me know if there more info required.
> Thanks
> From:
> Oliver Salzburg<kinggencha at googlemail.com>
> To:
> List for Core-/Extension development<typo3-dev at lists.typo3.org>
> Date:
> 11/10/2011 05:52 PM
> Subject:
> Re: [TYPO3-dev] Indexed search for tt_news
> Sent by:
> typo3-dev-bounces at lists.typo3.org
> On 2011-11-10 12:56, Shanmugarajan K wrote:
>> Dear Team,
>> I have done the indexing for tt_news records as describe in this page
> http://xavier.perseguers.ch/tutoriels/typo3/articles/indexed-search-crawler.html
>> I have tried both method: i.e
>> Indexing Database Records
>> Indexing News Articles (or any ?single view? plugin output)
>> But both the way, Indexed records are showing fine in the backend in
>> tt_news single view page. But the same is not showing in the front end
>> search results.
>> Could you please someone tell me what i have missed to get the results
> in
>> the front end search results.
>> Thanks&   regards
>> Shan
> Did you make sure to create an indexing configuration for the news
> records for every possible user group combination (especially your own)?

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