[TYPO3-dev] The extbase dilemma

Peter Russ peter.russ at 4many.net
Thu May 19 23:42:22 CEST 2011

--- Original Nachricht ---
Absender:   Dmitry Dulepov
Datum:       19.05.2011 20:26:
> This is neither your fault, nor F3 team's. The whole TYPO3 is one big
> experiment, it goes like this for years and we were able to create a
> great product and great community. But we call out CMS "enterprise". I
> think we should finally move from experiments to enterprise development.
> This might not be fun anymore but we should finally grow up from being
> chidren to being serious *product*.

I would conclude that the most important paradigma was (is?) "we can do 

But frankly speaking: as long as there are concepts out like TV, DAM, 
workspace and now extbase/flow3/fluid which allow a lot of people to do 
their jobs in fixing and refactoring things ;-)....(joking)

More than one year ago we got beaten when we decided to develop our own 
MVC on top of TYPO3 (Chris mentioned). Now we are at the point that our 
software scales and performs. i.e. master-master replication with 
different db servers, php-fpm servers with ngnix about 60k users, 
memcached etc....

We would like to share the code with companies interested in maintain 
and push development.

After more than 4 years of development with Flow3 we (the community) 
should be at the point to decide: Scotty get me out off here or Warp3!
IMHO closed invitation to skype seams to be the second best choice to 
discuss that.

Let's focus on the enterprises and the day to day users (agency) will 
love it (as Joey mentioned)



Fiat lux! Docendo discimus.
uon GbR


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