[TYPO3-dev] The extbase dilemma

Mathias Schreiber [wmdb] mathias.schreiber at wmdb.de
Thu May 19 11:36:09 CEST 2011

Am 19.05.11 10:27, schrieb Patrick Lobacher:
> 1.) We use Extbase for every new extension since about 18 months -
> independent of the kind, size, amount of data, and so on. We have done
> small extensions and "huge" ones (uhh - scarry - we have not
> reimplemented ebay or facebook but real existing "big" data amount
> projects. We have Extbase extensions on sites with just a few visitors
> per hour and with a few 1000 per hour - and, what should I say: Nothing
> to complain about. Sure it is slower than before but there a
> possiblilities to optimize it.

Would you mind defining "huge" in comparable numbers?
I keep asking this but noone seems to have to balls to do so.

And by the way, what kind of measurement scale are PIs?
I can deliver and extbase extension with 4billion rows statically cached 
to 1000 users a minute, what's the point?

What I mean is:
Extbase does not scale well with deeply nested models.
And when it comes to writing data things get "problematic".

So yes, size DOES matter when it comes to deadlocking the DB or 
delivering WRONG data, but it is not the only parameter that counts.

All in all I find the whole "it's fast enough" or "we have no problem in 
HUGE datasets" statements extremely shallow.

Ernesto, Nov. 9th 2010:
"In the graphics generation routines of TYPO3 *anything* could cause a
side effect."

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