[TYPO3-dev] Why it clean my relations

Dawid Pacholczyk dpacholczyk at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 15:35:59 CEST 2011

Hi, I`ve created small ext that is changing tt_news tca. It creates a 
dictionary of keywords instead of input and comma separated words. It is 
a mm relation

Now when I add new keyword via tt_news (that is not in DB and I click 
the add button near list) I`am transfered to keywords tca. Everything 
works. When I add and save new word. It saves with relation to the 
articles. Great ! But when I close the keyword form and I`am transfered 
back to tt_news the relations (old ones) are cleaned and the article is 
connected only with new keyword. Whats wrong ? Below my tca config

$tempColumns = Array (
	"keywords" => Array (		
			"exclude" => 1,		
			"label" => 
			"config" => Array (
				"type" => "select",	
				"foreign_field" => "keyword",
				"foreign_table" => "tx_beckkeywords_keywords",	
				"foreign_table_where" => "ORDER BY tx_beckkeywords_keywords.uid",	
				"size" => 20,	
				"minitems" => 0,
				"maxitems" => 10,	
				"internal_type" => "db",
				"allowed" => "tx_beckkeywords_keywords",
				"MM" => "tx_beckkeywords_keywords_related_news_mm",	
				"wizards" => Array(
					"_PADDING" => 2,
					"_VERTICAL" => 1,
					"suggest" => array(
						"type" => "suggest",
						"params" => Array(
							"pid" => "###CURRENT_PID###",
					'add' => Array(
                         'type' => 'script',
                         'title' => 'Dodaj',
                         'icon' => 'add.gif',
                         'params' => Array(
                             'pid' => '###CURRENT_PID###',
                             'setValue' => 'set'
                         'script' => 'wizard_add.php',


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