[TYPO3-dev] Extension "Hype Base" with documentation now

Thomas "Thasmo" Deinhamer thasmo at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 14:24:23 CEST 2011

Popy wrote:
> I always use static typoscript (from extension) to store template
> configuration, in order to put it in svn.
> But I don't get the goal of this extension : static files works already fine
> without it

The extension automatically adds static typoscript files,
from a given directory path, recursively. This means you
can just create a new subdirectory within the defined path,
add some setup.txt or constants.txt file, and a new item
with the directory name will show up in the template field.

This is mostly convenient if you store certain typoscript
code in different template files and end up having more
than two or three static typoscript template files.

You don't need to add those files manually, they just
will show up in the record field to chose from.


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