[TYPO3-dev] typo3 project vge_tagcloud

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Mon Jun 13 12:43:24 CEST 2011

Hi Thomas,

> I want to show the Keywords of the news Category that is opened.
> Unfortunately I don't get those Words. I tried different ways but the finest
> would
> be something like this one I think:
> 10<  plugin.tx_vgetagcloud_pi1
> 10 {
> .
> referenceTable = tt_news_cat
> referenceFields = tx_catdesc_keywords
> addWhere = uid = {register:newsCategoryUid}
> .
> }

This won't work, as it would require the "addWhere" property to have 
stdWrap enabled, which isn't the case. There might be a future version 
of vge_tagcloud with stdWrap enable every where (just like TYPO3 4.5), 
but it's not in my plans yet.

However I wonder whether you really need vge_tagcloud for what you're 
trying to achieve. If you want to get a list of keywords for a given 
news category, you could probably achieve this with a RECORDS object.

Something like (assuming your keywords are comma-separated):

lib.foo = RECORDS
lib.foo {
	source.data = register:newsCategoryUid
	tables = tt_news_cat
	conf.tt_news_cat = TEXT
	conf.tt_news_cat {
		field = tx_catdesc_keywords
		split.token = ,
		split.1.current = 1
			# Put some typolink on the current keyword

I imagine that your keywords all have the same weight (i.e. each appears 
once per news category), so you don't derive any real advantage from 
using vge_tagcloud.



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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