[TYPO3-dev] TYPO3 and svn
Christian Opitz
christian.opitz at netzelf.de
Thu Jun 2 15:57:29 CEST 2011
we also use symlinked typo3_src and have the complete typo3conf-folder
under version control and use svn:ignore and svn:externals to manage that:
- on typo3conf svn:ignore is:
- on typo3conf/ext svn:externals are f.i.:
dam https://svn.typo3.org/TYPO3v4/Extensions/dam/dam/tags/dam_1-1-5
realurl https://svn.typo3.org/TYPO3v4/Extensions/realurl/tags/1_9_4
As you see above we also have the localconf.php in svn. This is because
we often need to share configurations and for those directives which are
platform dependent we use a my_localconf.php which is in ignore and
included from localconf.php (unfortunately this doesn't allow us to
overwrite what is configured by install tool [1] so we to take care that
we don't overwrite directives from my_localconf.php in localconf.php).
In combination with using a CI-server which reacts on svn-changes it's
quite dangerous to have trunks of 3rd party extensions in svn:externals
as changes there will trigger builds. Also there are a lot of extensions
which are in TER but not in forge.typo3.org. For those extensions we set
up our "own forge.typo3.org" where we put, maintain and also tag them -
f.i. to include cc_txtextexec with externals we downloaded it from TER,
checked it into our forge, tagged it and added it to the project with:
I also experienced another very special drawback in using svn:externals:
I'm member in formhandler-team and so i have write access to the repo on
forge.typo3.org. Once I changed something on formhandler for debuging
and afterwards forgot about that and checked in the complete ext-folder
which also checked in my private formhandler changes.
We don't have anything from the template in fileadmin but always use an
extension called template which contains all TS, templates, css, js
etc.. As it's quite comfortable to use the t3editor to edit TS I wrote
an extension which allows to edit contents from <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT...
within t3editor. Fabrizio Branca also wrote a similar extension which
was even included to the core [2]. Unfortunately this one doesn't seem
to work on certain circumstances (which I didn't find out yet) so I
still use mine [3].
So in conclusion I can say that I'm quite happy with the complete
typo3conf in svn. With this solution we're using continuous integration
to continuously deploy to our testing system and in future also to
[1] http://forge.typo3.org/issues/24037
[2] http://forge.typo3.org/issues/23883
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