[TYPO3-dev] Wizard (add) and pid

Nicole Cordes cordes at cps-it.de
Wed Jul 20 16:09:14 CEST 2011

Hi list,


isn't there any possibility to define an own pid for wizards integrated in
TCA configuration?


My TCA is:


'place' => array (                              

                'exclude' => 0,                  

                'label' =>

                'config' => array (

                               'type' => 'select',             

                               'foreign_table' => 'tx_eventmng_place',

                               'foreign_table_where' => 'AND
tx_eventmng_place.pid=###PAGE_TSCONFIG_IDLIST### ORDER BY

                               'size' => 6,           

                               'minitems' => 0,

                               'maxitems' => 100,         

                               "MM" => "tx_eventmng_event_place_mm",  

                               'wizards' => array(

                                               '_PADDING'  => 2,

                                               '_VERTICAL' => 1,

                                               'add' => array(

                                                               'type'   =>

                                                               'title'  =>
'Neuen Veranstaltungsort anlegen',

                                                               'icon'   =>

                                                               'params' =>

'table'    => 'tx_eventmng_place',

'pid'      => '###PAGE_TSCONFIG_IDLIST###',

'setValue' => 'prepend'


                                                               'script' =>






In foreign_table_where everything works perfect but I want new elements to
be stored in that folder as well. Unfortunately debugging script
typo3/wizard_add.php didn't show any integration for "own" TSConfig.


Is this a bug? Any solutions?




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