[TYPO3-dev] [BE][compressionLevel] NGINX and Fast CGI with TYPO3 4.4 BETA2

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Tue May 4 00:49:20 CEST 2010

Am 04.05.2010, 00:43 Uhr, schrieb Olivier Dobberkau  
<olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de>:

> - files are gziped by TYPO3 already.
> - i need to tell nginx to send the gz files as js or css gziped

> found something on the net.
>    location ~* "\.js\.gz$" {
>         add_header  Content-Encoding  gzip;
>         gzip off;
>         types { text/javascript gz; }
>        }
>    location ~* "\.css\.gz$" {
>         add_header  Content-Encoding  gzip;
>         gzip off;
>         types { text/css gz; }
>        }
> but this does not work. will try more tomorrow.
try location \.gzip

The file extension is .gzip, not .gz (as Safari isn't able to handle  
this.. yes.. we always laugh down Microsoft, but in this case Apple/Webkit  
is ridiculous ;))


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