[TYPO3-dev] Apache/PHP TYPO3 Caching-Module

Christian Kuhn lolli at schwarzbu.ch
Sat Mar 13 12:35:03 CET 2010


Bernhard Kraft wrote:
> Already a few years I tought about the possibilities of creating an 
> apache or php module which acts as caching-module for TYPO3 pages. There 
> already exists an apache module named "mod_cache" which is almost what 
> one could expect - but it doesn't handle TYPO3 Usergroups and conditions.
> So my question is, if anyone of you is working on such a thing, or has 
> interest in starting such a project, so we could coordinate work and 
> discuss unclear issues.

Don't miss varnish [1] if you are evaluating possible systems.
It's an extremely fast reverse proxy, we are using it mostly for static 
files, and have a config to cache some specific high traffic t3 pages 
for some minutes. Varnish has a nice API's to handle cache entries, a 
next step for us would be to actively feed / invalidate cache entries.

[1] http://varnish-cache.org/


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