[TYPO3-dev] Using TS-conf instead of a standard lang for conf?

Tomas Norre Mikkelsen tomasnorre at gmail.com
Sat Mar 6 08:35:03 CET 2010


I have talked to many different people during the days, and we
discussed TYPO3 many times. One of the discussions and why the choose
not to use T3.

Many said: "If i have to learn a new system, it should be based on
standards i don't want to have to learn a language like TS too, if it
was like xml / xslt or some other webstandard it was a diffent story"

What is you comment on this and have this been diskussed in the
dev-team before ? Could "we" make T3 stronger with a standard
configuration language ?

I think so :) But i'm not that much into core development, so i know
if its possible or not.

Best Regards
Tomas Norre Mikkelsen
tomasnorre at gmail.com

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